Songfy is a mobile app that allow you to search songs by feeling, mood with natural language or keywords. The app use the Spotify API to search the songs and Firebase to store the user data.
First you need login with your Spotify account, then in the tab Playlists select the playlists that you want analyze. You can review and edit the brief analysis and keywords generated in the tab Songs.
Finally you can search songs by natural language or keywords in the tab Search. The app will show the songs that match with the search and you can listen a preview of the song.
Currently this app if just for personal usage and also put in practice best practices of React Native, Firebase, Design patterns (Datasource/Repository) session management, error handling, etc. Coming soon the app will be available in the App Store and Google Play Store.

Tech used
- Firebase (Auth, Firestore, Crashlytics)
- React Native, React Navigation
- React-Query
- Zod (Validation)
- Expo Auth (Spotify)